The Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management (CCDKM) based at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University was established in 2006 and is committed to bridging the digital divide and increasing the social and economic impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) at the grassroots level and in marginalized communities in Thailand and the ASEAN region.
Working with numerous partners, including governments, intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies, Microsoft, Intel, Google, Foundations, NGOs, CSOs and the private sector, CCDKM also promotes media development in the region and e-learning initiatives to equip learners with the skills they will need in Thailand’s Digital Economy.

CCDKM is the consultant of the Ministry of ICT on issues related to e-Society and Lifelong learning; a board member of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Academic Board of Handicap Empowerment in the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

Communication for Community Development, Social Inclusion and Transformation Educational Perspectives on Media Innovation, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and the Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University | STOU

"The establishment of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University can be deemed the opening of a truly modern university, established to seek knowledge  and expertise to step forward into bold new horizons"  King Bhumipol Rama IX of Thailand at the foundation ceremony 40 years ago of the first open university in South East Asia based on distant education  covering all of Thailand and its impact on the development of the whole Thai society with its inclusive education policy and commitment.

With establishment of Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University (STOU) has from its very operational start in 1979 seen as a prime function to closely monitor the rapid and accellerating changes affecting the dominating rural populations in the ASEAN region. A first step toward  making  room for community communication toward social and cultural change was then made in 1984 with the establishment of a School of Communication Arts and a theory and hands-on learning system in communication arts on all levels  including offering a fully on-line based M.A. In Communication Arts for ASEAN in 2014 till currently.

CCDKM With Its ICT for inclusive development

At STOU the year 2006 saw the reorganization of the School of Human Ecology and finally the founding of The Research Center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management (CCDKM) ,committed to bridging the digital divide.Its aim was to increase the social and economic impact of information and communication ideologies at the grassroot level and in marginalized communities  in Thailand and the ASEAN region especially directed at empowering rural youth and disadvantages groups

Since its beginning in 2006 the CCDKM has been instrumental in creating networks and partnerships for implementing an holistic program for transforming rural Thailand including a model for extending ICT literacy to ever new population population groups in a combined and  integrated  program of competence building for social progress, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, entrepreneurial skills, gender equality, local wisdom and culture conservation, sufficiency farming and communication for democratic sosial interaction.

The presentation aims to bring up for discussion how ICT could be a tool to serve the demands of local communicties for learning new knowledge  and skills, generate new ideas and solutions, to get assistance on how to set up local businesses, and establish strong networks of communication. CCDKM has developed curricula on developing entrepreneurship skills for rural communicties using simple and effective strategies for joining local and global  market places through mobile technology.Training courses  as well as e-Training courese, and MOOC have been held nationwide like empowerment workshops for women entrepreneurs and participatory smart schools entrepreneurship workshops in underprivileged districts

A main target has been meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  which will not be possible without using ICT for communicating the principles and practices of sustainable agriculture.CCDKM endeavers to spread the environmental principles of our late King Bhumipol Rama IX of Sufficiency Economy as a blueprint for the survival of mankind. The King has personally through the foundation of a chain of experiental farms shown the way to establish a sufficiency farming system in Thailand.

An important partnership building project has formed the basis for implementing a MOOC program for Community Digital Literacy and Life Long Learning in cooperation with the Ministry of Technology for Economics and the nation wide Cyber-university Project. To reach its goals STOU has likewise established an Educational Broadcasting Production Center and established regional Distance Education Centers at universities throughout the country. In addition Provincial Study Center have been established at secondary schools in all provinces


Dr. Kamolrat is Associate Professor in the School of Communication Arts at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Bangkok, Thailand and the Chair of the Online International MA in Communication Arts for ASEAN Program. She is also the Director of The Research Centre of Communication and Development Knowledge Management (CCDKM) and consultant for the ThaiTelecentre.org since its establishment in 2007. As a distinguished key actor in the field of DevCom (Development Communication) in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific region, from 2012-2015, Dr. Kamolrat was appointed the Chair of the Asia-Pacific Telecentre Network (APTN) and since then, she leads the mission of APTN’s Executive Secretariat. Prior to joining STOU, Dr. Kamolrat worked for fifteen years at Kasetsart University in the Department of Agriculture focusing primarily on successful Communication processes in rural and agricultural settings. Currently, and together with stakeholders from different sectors (Governments, Intergovernmental Organizations, NGOs, Academic Institutions, IT organizations, CSOs, private sector) she is committed to empowering disadvantaged, marginalized and minority groups in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific Region leveraging the power of Information and Communication Technology to advance sustainable development.


Dr. Piyachat Lomchavakarn is Co-founder CCDKM and Associate Professor in the School of Communication Arts at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Her background is in Law, Advertising and Sociology and her research interests and expertise are in the field of Law in Advertising and Mass Communication. Dr. Piyachat is also committed to empowering disadvantaged, marginalized and minority groups in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific Region leveraging the power of Information and Communication Technology to advance sustainable development.



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