Title : Pride of Communication Arts School, CCDKM Research Centre, STOU
(The impact of Development Communication to all levels of SDGs in Thailand and the region)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolrat Intaratat (under the School of Communication Arts, and the Director of CCDKM (the expertise research center of Communication and Development Knowledge Management), STOU (www.ccdkm.org) gains 2 outstanding national awards in 2024 as follow;
- Awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand as the outstanding civil servant of 2024 represented Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. With her outstanding works in the field of Development Communication from local to global recognition. Dr. Kamolrat Intaratat has initiated various of innovative academies both online, on site and blended academies. One among the outstanding academies to serve all the marginalizes is “People Academy” both for free and for university accumulation. It is the first academy which can blended between the world of university and the career together under the Lifelong learning mission of STOU via its Credit bank, Competency bank with e-portfolio in the national skilled labor database of Thailand.
- Awarded by the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, the Department of Older Persons (DOP) as the outstanding organization who provides support to help the holistic empowerment of Ageing Society in Thailand especially the Functional empowerment program embedded with ICT with its most tangible nationwide success is “Smart Silver Economy” which is very high demand among all the aged and ageing people who want to work and earn by themselves. This “Smart Silver Economy” has been designed collaboratively with the current Thailand mission : Thailand 4.0 & Soft Power which is also relevant to all the aged people. Dr. Kamolrat Intaratat is also being the honored consultant of this Ministry who taking care about using ICT and any appropriate innovation for all betterment of the aged people as well as the other marginalizes.